Our Programmes.
No matter age or ability, we can find the perfect program for you.
- Pre-School Skillz - Age 3-4
- Tae Kwon Do Program Age 7+
- Little Tigers ages 4-6
- Adult Classes
- Pre-School Skillz - Age 3-4
- Little Tigers ages 4-6
- Tae Kwon Do Program Age 7+
- Adult Classes
Does Your 3-4 Year Old Struggle with Self-Control?
Our Pre-School program can help them learn appropriate behavior in a fun setting.
Three to four year olds love physical activity and anything involving play. They have a rich imagination and strong desire to be less dependent on their usual caregivers. The problem we discovered is that many children this age have a hard time with structure in a group environment like what is commonly found in most Martial Arts schools. The solution we found is to provide them with their own program that targets their stage of development in a manner that keeps them entertained while at the same time building skills that set them up for success. With that said, a structured program introducing early skill-based training in Martial Arts has proven to be very successful!

Here’s an overview for the stages of development of children ages 3 and 4:
Physically – they typically have low tone and poor hand-eye-coordination.
- We expect them initially to drop their arms when punching and fall when kicking or jumping. We also expect them to have no concept of spatial awareness, therefore they will drop things that are thrown to them and bump into people and obstacles often.
- The goal for our program is to get them to punch without dropping their arms; kick without falling; jump without falling; and catch objects thrown from various directions and distances.
Intellectually – they typically have a limited vocabulary therefore learning is normally limited to visual and kinesthetic activities.
- We expect them to initially lose focus when activities are over-complicated. We also expect them to struggle with commands that have more than two instructions.
- The goal for our program is to get them to follow verbal commands with no visual demonstration. Also, our goal is for them to remember rules and commands without being reminded.
Emotionally – they typically have strong preferences and fears therefore they will normally act out of bounds when their emotions get out of control
- We expect them to run off the mat when they have anxiety. We also expect them to shut down when something either scares them or doesn't go their way.
- The goal for our program is to help them follow directions and persevere through an activity even if they are initially emotional.
Socially – they are typically very self-centered. Also, due to their limited vocabulary their common form of communication is mainly physical.
- We expect them to mock each other, such as falling when their classmate falls. We also expect them to crash into things when they are excited.
- The goals for our program are to help them build good social skills such as spatial awareness; not interrupting when others are talking; and taking turns properly.
By understanding the stages of development of 3 and 4-year olds, we were able to select 8 age-appropriate skills that make up the our Pre-School SKILLZ Program
- Kicking
- Punching
- Blocking
- Crawling
- Hopping
- Rolling
- Running
- Catching
Does your 5 or 6-year-old need to learn self-discipline and emotional control?
The Basic SKILLZ program teaches young kids to be focused and to manage emotional
outbursts in a fun, educational setting.
Three to four year olds love physical activity and anything involving play. They have a rich imagination and strong desire to be less dependent on their usual caregivers. The problem we discovered is that many children this age have a hard time with structure in a group environment like what is commonly found in most Martial Arts schools. The solution we found is to provide them with their own program that targets their stage of development in a manner that keeps them entertained while at the same time building skills that set them up for success. With that said, a structured program introducing early skill-based training in Martial Arts has proven to be very successful!

Here’s an overview for the stages of development of children ages 5 and 6:
Physically – they typically do not know how to apply their muscles so they fall often when their body is in constant motion. Also, they have a basic foundation for leg, arm, core, and abdominal development, but they still lack a lot of strength.
- We expect them to initially struggle with multiple kicks beyond five repetitions. We also expect them to initially have sloppy technique when exercising.
- The goals for our program are to get them to perform high repetitions of kicks without putting their foot down, and also perform static, active, and dynamic exercises for beyond ten reps with good technique
Intellectually – – they typically have a hard time retaining beyond three commands. They also have a hard time distinguishing between their left and right.
- We expect them to initially get confused when we ask them to do more than three things at one time. We also initially expect them to have a hard time distinguishing between their left and right when following multiple-commands.
- The goal for our program is to get them to retain three or more commands at once, and beyond. We will also help them learn how to perform various left and right combinations
Emotionally – they typically focus on things that make them happy. They also have slow brakes when they are excited.
- We expect them to initially lose focus and shut down when they are not happy. We also expect them to lose control when they are over-excited
- The goal for our program is to help them focus even when it’s hard to do so. We will also help them control their body and their power, especially when they are excited.
Socially – – they love to play with others, but are typically very competitive.
- We expect them to initially show weak sportsmanship when they participate in a competition
- The goals for our program are to help them build good teamwork such as no cheating; don’t get angry when they lose; and don’t brag when they win.
By understanding the stages of development of 5 and 6-year olds, we were able to select 8 age-appropriate skills that make up the Basic SKILLZ Program:
- Focus
- Teamwork
- Control
- Memory
- Balance
- Discipline
- Fitness
- Coordination
Does Your Child Need a Challenge?
Our Tae Kwon Do program helps kids maximize their physical and intellectual
capabilities in a stable and nurturing environment.
Kids are capable of great things – but they need the right tools and encouragement to accomplish them. It’s normal for kids to be tempted by taking the easy way out of challenges, but we work with them to help them reach their full physical and intellectual potential. Is your child being bullied? Or even being a bully themselves?? Does your child need to get more exercise or struggles to make friends?
Is your child being bullied? Or even being a bully themselves? Does your child need to get more exercise or struggles to make friends?
These are all very current problems within our society, our Tae Kwon Do Program will develop your child through reaching goals through hard work and perseverance! They will become stronger and healthier and will make new friends in our pro social community, gaining confidence and self discipline.

Deliver a Knockout Punch to Your Usual Workout.
Adults Who Study Martial Arts Reap
Significant Benefits.
Studying martial arts is something that anybody – at any age or fitness level – can do. Martial arts classes are fun, empowering, and provide a great workout for adults. Whether you want to defend yourself, lose weight, or just have fun, our adult martial arts classes have something to offer.